2025年2月24日:【关心的事】What We Truly Care About


⧉ 有人问我:“师父,最近我很烦,该怎么办呢?”
























≡ 净本法师记录 ≡

English Translation:【What We Truly Care About】

Someone asked me, “Master, I’ve been feeling really troubled lately. What should I do?”


I answered, “First, look at what you truly care about. Because people care about different things, they end up with different outcomes.”


For those who practice reciting the Buddha’s name(Nianfo), the most crucial concern is simply whether or not one can be reborn in the Pure Land.


If one can be reborn in the Pure Land, everything is good.

If one cannot be reborn there, then nothing is truly good.

Having this kind of faith surely leads to a sense of freedom and ease.


Why do I say this?


Take a step back, and the sea and sky are boundless;

Endure for a moment, and the winds and waves become calm.


No matter what situation arises, for those who recite the Buddha’s name, everything becomes a minor issue—because in their hearts there is only one major concern: reciting the Buddha’s name to be reborn in the Pure Land. In this way, one naturally finds peace and comfort in both body and mind.


However, if one does not truly care about whether or not we can be reborn and instead pours energy into things like scrambling for power, seeking worldly achievements, gossiping about others, craving fame and profit, and other complicated, negative, and draining pursuits, how can one avoid being troubled? How could one be genuinely happy? In fact, it becomes easy to lose sight of what truly matters.


Why? Because if you neglect the supreme virtue of “Namo Amitabha Buddha,” then even if you possess everything in this world, what real meaning does it hold?


When people focus on different things, they place their aspirations in different places, and naturally, they arrive at different results.


May more sentient beings learn to care more about the joyful matter of reciting the Buddha’s name for rebirth in the Pure Land.


Namo Amitabha Buddha 

≡The Diary of Master Jingben ≡

⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉

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When things go against our wishes | Master Jing Ben


What We Truly Care About | Master Jing Ben