2025年1月25日:【慈悲的因果】The Compassionate Law of Cause and Effect


⧉ 今天道场临时有事,需要出国一趟。在机场巧遇一位莲友,却听见他在议论其他道场的是非。 






















≡ 净本法师记录 ≡

English Translation: 
【The Compassionate Law of Cause and Effect】

Today, I had to make an impromptu trip abroad to handle some affairs for our centre. While at the airport, I ran into a fellow practitioner and overheard him discussing the rights and wrongs of another temple. 

I said to him, “Let’s end this conversation here; please don’t go around spreading it. That would affect the other temple’s reputation. As the ancients said, ‘It’s better to stir a thousand rivers than to disturb other cultivator’s mind.’” 

He replied, “Master, you have no idea how bad they really are…” 

I responded, “In this world, no temple is 100% perfect, nor is any temple 0% good. It’s inevitable that a place of practice has flaws, but that doesn’t mean it has no merits at all. Each place has its own causes and conditions.” 

He went on, “But they do this and that…” 

I interrupted him, saying, “We’re not involved directly, nor do we have clairvoyance or enough wisdom to know their true circumstances. Perhaps they did that out of necessity. As the saying goes, ‘Between two evils, choose the lesser one.’ Sometimes what looks like a bad decision might already be the best option under the circumstances.” 

Still unsatisfied, he continued, “But, Master, he’s also spoken ill of mine…” 

I smiled and reassured him, “That’s even easier to handle. A few negative words aren’t going to make us lose a chunk of flesh. If he’s truly pointing out something we can improve, then we should be grateful for the reminder. In any case, ‘you’re still you’—you won’t gain or lose anything in essence.” 

I went on, “From another perspective, we can even be thankful to him. Perhaps, through his criticism, some of our karmic obstacles have been lifted. We Buddhists often talk about eliminating our karmic burdens; sometimes being rebuked is one of the quickest, most direct ways to do that.” (I laughed.) 

He sighed, “Alas, if he keeps doing that, there’ll be karmic consequences…” 

I spoke firmly, “‘Cause and effect’ isn’t about punishing people. When Buddhas and Bodhisattvas show us cause and effect, it’s out of compassion and empathy, not to condemn anyone. If they see a being suffering retribution, they only feel more determined to help, doing everything they can to offer blessings and protection. This is what Buddhism calls the ‘Compassionate Law of Cause and Effect,’ which is entirely different from the worldly notion of punitive karma.” 

Hearing this, he fell silent for a moment. 

I continued, “Whether the other person is right or wrong is secondary. The key question is: what do we learn from this? Do we just fill our hearts with negative gossip, or do we become even closer to Amitabha Buddha?” 

He was taken aback. “Huh? How could this unpleasant situation possibly bring me closer to Amitabha Buddha?” 

I answered, “It certainly can. Although we aren’t as boundlessly compassionate as the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, at the very least we can recite the Buddha’s name and dedicate merit to him, entrusting the situation to Amitabha. Don’t we always say we should leave everything to Amitabha? For matters we ordinary beings cannot see clearly, we should all the more entrust them fully to Amitabha.” 

He nodded. “Yes, I should recite the Buddha’s name and entrust this matter to Amitabha.” 

I continued, “In ancient times, some elder monks were falsely accused and arrested by the emperor. When the monastery had nowhere to turn, they did not complain or blame anyone; instead, they all recited the Buddha’s name in unison, praying for Amitabha’s help. Compared to that, what we are facing now is nothing.” 

He exclaimed, “Wow, my problems are truly trivial by comparison!” 

I said, “Exactly. Once we return to Amitabha, how significant are others’ rights or wrongs?” 

He seemed to understand. At that moment, the boarding announcement sounded. I smiled, “We’ll stop here for today—‘Class dismissed!’ Have to board flight now.” 

The world’s rights and wrongs are endless;

If one mind is turned toward the Buddha, who has time to debate them?

Rumors blow like the wind—wise ones remain unmoved;

When the Buddha’s name enters the heart, the Dharma naturally arises.

≡The Diary of Master Jingben≡

⧉ 净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism ⧉

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